Building Queries

dbPrepareQuery query

Prepares a query.

query:<STRING> - The SQL Query String

Returns: <QUERY>

dbPrepareQuery [query, bindValues]

Prepares a query and directly binds some values to it.

query:<STRING> - The SQL Query String
bindValues:<ARRAY> - List of values to bind to ? in the query string. See dbBindValueArray for more information.

Returns: <QUERY>

dbPrepareQuery ["SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE ?=?", ["data", "table", "value", 5]]
-> SELECT data FROM table WHERE value=5

dbPrepareQueryConfig configName

Prepares a query based on details in the config file in statements.<configName>

configName:<STRING> - The config name of the query


configName is case-sensitive

Returns: <QUERY>

dbPrepareQueryConfig [configName, bindValues]

Prepares a query based on details in the config file in statements.<configName>

configName:<STRING> - The config name of the query
bindValues:<ARRAY> - List of values to bind to ? in the query string (See above)


configName is case-sensitive

Returns: <QUERY>

query dbBindValue value

value:<STRING> OR <NUMBER> OR <BOOL> OR <ARRAY> - Value to bind to the next unbound ? in the query

Returns: <NOTHING>


ARRAY values are automatically converted to string. Meaning [1,2,3] will get bound as "[1,2,3]"


This command modifies the value in query. If you want to keep the old query intact you need to dbCopyQuery first.

query dbBindValueArray [value, value…]

Binds multiple values to the next ? in the query, in same order as the ? occur in the query.

value:<STRING> OR <NUMBER> OR <BOOL> OR <ARRAY> - Value to bind to the next unbound ? in the query

Returns: <NOTHING>


ARRAY values are automatically converted to string. Meaning [1,2,3] will get bound as "[1,2,3]"


This command modifies the value in query. If you want to keep the old query intact you need to dbCopyQuery first.

Example: _query = dbPrepareQuery "SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE ?=?" _query dbBindValueArray ["data", "table", "value", 5] -> SELECT data FROM table WHERE value=5

dbGetBoundValues query

Returns array of all values currently bound to this query

returns <ARRAY>

dbCopyQuery query

query: <QUERY> - the query object returned by dbPrepareQuery


There is also the short version + query which copies just like with Arrays and Numbers.

Returns: <NOTHING>

Copies a query with all currently bound values.
Example: _query = dbPrepareQuery "SELECT ? FROM ? WHERE ?=?"
_query dbBindValueArray ["data", "table"]
_query -> SELECT data FROM table WHERE ?=?
_copyOfQuery = dbCopyQuery _query;
_copyOfQuery -> SELECT data FROM table WHERE ?=?
_copyOfQuery dbBindValueArray ["value", 5]
_copyOfQuery -> SELECT data FROM table WHERE value=5
_query -> SELECT data FROM table WHERE ?=?