Future commands that aren’t yet implemented

dbResultError result

Returns error as string if an error occurred while querying. Returns nil if there is no error. (Should it return empty string instead?)

result:<RESULT> - The result

Returns: <STRING>

dbResultErrorNum result

Returns error code if there is one. Returns 0 if there is none.

result:<RESULT> - The result

Returns: <NUMBER>

dbResultIsError result

Checks if a error occured in the query.

result:<RESULT> - The result

Returns: <BOOL>

connection dbConnectionEnableThrow bool

Makes dbExecuteQuery and dbWaitForResult throw SQF Exceptions that can be caught using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/catch

connection:<DBCONNECTION> - A connection
bool:<BOOL> - throwing enabled or disabled

Returns: <NOTHING>

query dbBindNamedValue [name, value]

This command modifies the value in query. If you want to keep the old query intact you need to dbCopyQuery first.

name:<STRING> - Name of the value to bind
value:<STRING> OR <NUMBER> OR <BOOL> - Value to bind to the next unbound <name> in the query

Returns: <NOTHING>

Example: SELECT <value> FROM <table>;
dbBindNamedValue [“value”, “onions”];
dbBindNamedValue [“table”, “shoppinglist”];
-> SELECT onions FROM shoppinglist
Maybe other syntax would be better? $name? :name ?