Getting results

Getting result data

dbResultAffectedRows result

Returns number of affected rows. woah.

result: <RESULT> - The result

Returns: <NUMBER>

dbResultLastInsertId result

Returns last insert id. woah.

result:<RESULT> - The result

Returns: <NUMBER>

dbResultToArray result

Turns the result set into an array of rows.

Like this [row1,row2,row3];

Each row being an array made up of the values in that returned row.

row1 = [value1, value2, value3]

values can be of type NUMBER, STRING, BOOL, DBNULL (null values from the database will be returned as dbNull)

result:<RESULT> - The result

Returns: <ARRAY>

dbResultToParsedArray result

Like dbResultToArray. But tries to parse all string values from the database.
Turns "true" into true
Turns "[1,2,3,4]" into [1,2,3,4]
Turns "123" into 123
If string starts with [ it get’s put through parseSimpleArray
If string starts with t/f/T/F/number it get’s wrapped in [] and put through parseSimpleArray
Anything else is invalid
result:<RESULT> - The result

Returns: <ARRAY>

Handling Async results

result dbBindCallback [code, (arguments)]

Code will be called with _this = [<RESULT>, arguments]

result:<ASYNC_RESULT> - Value returned by dbExecuteAsync
code:<CODE> - Script to execute once the results are ready
arguments:<ANY> - Arguments passed to the code.

Returns: <NOTHING>


_result dbBindCallback [{
    params ["_result", "_args"];
    DB_RES = [dbResultToArray _result, _args];
    systemChat "got result!";
}, 1];

dbWaitForResult result

Does exactly what you think it does. But also freezes the game even in scheduled! (to be changed in future updates)
Essentially converts a ASYNC_RESULT into a normal RESULT
result:<ASYNC_RESULT> - Value returned by dbExecuteAsync

Returns: <RESULT>

Example: _result = dbWaitForResult _asyncResult;


Returns a dbNull value (just like objNull or other Arma null values)

Returns: <DBNULL>

dbNull type can be configured in the config file to compare equal to empty string

DBNullEqualEmptyString set to true

dbNull == "" //true
"" == dbNull //true
isNull dbNull //true

DBNullEqualEmptyString set to false

dbNull == "" //false
"" == dbNull //false
isNull dbNull //true