The InterceptDB Config file

 maindb: #production db, don't break things here!
  username: root
  password: lulz
  database: production
  port: 3306 #optional
 testdb: #testserver
  username: root
  password: lulz
  database: production
  port: 3306 #optional
  opt_compress: false #set the MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS option
  #opt_read_timeout: 5 #set the MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT option
  #opt_write_timeout: 5 #set the MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT option
  #opt_multi_statement: false #set the MARIADB_OPT_MULTI_STATEMENTS and MARIADB_OPT_MULTI_RESULTS option. I think this is broken, you can try it if you want though.

 insertStuff: INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (?,?,?)
 deleteStuff: DELETE FROM table WHERE a=?
 longQuery: >
  SELECT stuff
  FROM table
  isThisALongQuery=1 AND
  queriesCanBeMultiline=1 AND
  query: SELECT NOW(), tinyIntValue FROM MyTable;
  parseDateType: array #I want this specific statement to return DateTime values in array format
  parseTinyintAsBool: true #I want this specific statement to return my tinyInt as a boolean in dbResultTo(Parsed)Array

 enableDynamicQueries: true #Allow queries to be created from SQF, if false only statements from config are allowed
 parseDateType: string #This is a enum, one of the below values is allowed
  #string: default. Return Date/DateTime as "2018-12-24 13:45:11"
  #stringMS: Return Date/DateTime as "2018-12-24 13:45:11.123"
  #array: Return Date/DateTime as [year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond] (yes both have time too, date will be 0 hours) in dbResultTo(Parsed)Array
  #timestamp: Return Date/DateTime as a timestamp as a number (this can incur precision loss)
  #timestampString: Return Date/DateTime as a unix timestamp in a string
  #timestampStringMS: Return Date/DateTime as a millisecond unix timestamp in a string
 parseTinyintAsBool: false #returns tinyint as bool in dbResultTo(Parsed)Array
 DBNullEqualEmptyString: false #whether dbNull == "" returns true
  directory: dbLog #logging directory, relative to arma directory, will be created if it doesn't exist
  querylog: false #log all queries with timestamp
  threadlog: false #log threading activity (high bandwidth log)
 workerCount: 1 #workerCount, be careful with this

 test: schema.sql #Filename relative to config.yaml to be used in dbLoadSchema

Config has to be in Arma 3/@InterceptDB/config.yaml Other subfolders or renaming the @InterceptDB folder doesn’t work. Folder name is also case sensitive on linux.

The config is loaded at preInit. If anything on the config loading fails, a error will be printed to the RPT.

Per-statement options take precendence over global options